In Interwoven, we want to be a community that follows Jesus' example, we want to ACCEPT people as Jesus did, INSPIRE people as Jesus did, and to provide and support purpose and MEANING for people like Jesus did.
Jesus accepted, welcomed and included the vulnerable, the excluded, the marginalised and the rejected. We aim to accept people in the same way. We want to welcome all and point them towards Jesus. We want to openly and honestly acknowledge and celebrate difference and diversity. We want to be an invitational, hospitable community that places a high value on sharing our lives and showing all how we are trying to follow Jesus.


Jesus inspired and encouraged people to use their abilities and resources for the good of all. We aim to inspire people in the same way. We want to be a community that is encouraging and supportive, that looks to identify and build on each others' gifts, talents and abilities.
We want to teach in an uncluttered, generous way that builds a contribution culture in our community, and we want to see that inspired culture work every area of our lives.
Jesus gave people meaning and purpose in calling them to follow Him and to seek first His Kingdom. We aim to give people purpose and meaning in the same way. We want to be more than a 'Sunday only' community.
We want to develop a 'way of life' rather than a 'system of belief' and to encourage people to balance action and work with prayer, reflection and worship. We want to be a people that finds their meaning in service, in worship, in relationships, in community and in supporting one another to follow Jesus' example.