Our Interwoven Community is made up of people of all ages.
Our children are very important to us and we love having them with us. We have teenagers, young adults, tweens, little ones, tinies and babies. At the moment we are a small group but we look forward to welcoming more people into our family.
On a Sunday, there are a few things that might happen. Often, as you arrive there will be a hot or cold drink for you, and probably a biscuity snack. There will be toys out on a mat which can be played with straight away. Anyone who wants to can play with our toys so, if there are older children or adults who want to join in, just try not to knock over the little ones in the rush!
We keep our toys as open ended as possible. We like to play with our scarves and silks as well as making imaginary worlds and landscapes for our bible stories. Some people like to bring along their own things to play with and that is ok, too. We know that some things are special.
Sometimes we have a talk by a grown up. It can be tricky to stay quiet at these times so we have a family group that meets in another room. Sometimes we do art, or play a game, or make things from lego. The activity we choose will be linked to the bible story and talk in the other room. Our older children sometimes choose to join in the family room or might stay in for the talk. Sometimes parents join their children and sometimes the children are happy to stay with our DBS checked volunteers.
Sometimes we have “altogether” services which means that we all stay together and explore a bible story or theme in different ways. These are usually quite noisy but might also have some prayer activities, quizzes, discussions or (at Christmas) our slightly unusual nativity play.

In lockdown, we are meeting with the rest of our interwoven family on Zoom, but some of us spend some time in a “family room”. We usually do an art or craft activity together. We also have a weekly family prayer sheet so we can pray together each week and talk about our activities on Sundays.
We are not fancy and sometimes there is noise from our play area. Sometimes things go wrong. Sometimes things are happy, or sad, or funny, or general mayhem…but we ARE family.
Come and join us. We would love to get to know you!